

2017.09-2022.03 理学博士,伦敦大学学院(UCL)

2022.10-至今 讲师,陕西师范大学




预防性保护研究(preventive conservation)

纸质文物保护(conservation and restoration of paper-based objects)

文物材料表征(characterization of heritage objects)


[1] Y. Luo, S. Cheng, G. Yang, J. Chen, G. Zhao, Z. Jia, Y. Li, Y. Rong, Y. Qi, Y. Zhou, Effect of microbial contamination of black and white photographic negative films on developed photos, npj Heritage Science, 13 (2025) 41. (一区top)

[2] P. Liu, Y. Li, H. Li, W. Zhang, Y. Qi, X. Zhang, Y. Luo, Y. Li, Characterisation and restoration of a severely damaged paper archive from the Qing Dynasty, Scientific Reports, 15 (2025) 7380. (二区)

[3] Y. Luo, Y. Liu, Q. Wei, M. Strlič, NIR spectroscopy in conjunction with multivariate analysis for non-destructive characterization of Xuan paper, Heritage Science, 12 (2024) 175. (一区top)

[4] K. Han, G. Teri, C. Cheng, Y. Tian, D. Huang, M. Ge, P. Fu, Y. Luo, Y. Li, Evaluation of commonly used reinforcement materials for color paintings on ancient wooden architecture in China, Heritage Science, 12 (2024) 122. (一区top)

[5] G. Teri, C. Cheng, K. Han, D. Huang, J. Li, Y. Luo, P. Fu, Y. Li, Study on the Properties of FEVE Modified with Ag2O/OH-MWCNTS Nanocomposites for Use as Adhesives for Wooden Heritage Objects, Molecules, 29 (2024) 1365. (二区)

[6] 罗雨佳, 祁赟鹏, 邢惠萍, 李玉虎, 使用粘度法预测宣纸类文物寿命的化学实验, 大学化学, 39 (2024) 290-294. (教学论文)

[7] G. Teri, P. Fu, K. Han, D. Huang, Y. Li, Y. Luo, H. Xing, Y. Li, Analysis of the stakes of the Xianyang Ancient Ferry Site, Shaanxi, China, Heritage Science, 12 (2024) 213. (一区top)

[8] Y. Luo, I.K. Cigić, Q. Wei, M. Marinšek, M. Strlič, Material properties and durability of 19th–20th century Tibetan manuscripts, Cellulose, 30 (2023) 11783-11795. (二区)

[9] C. Zhang, Y. Qi, B. Mai, H. Xing, Y. Li, Y. Luo, Exploration of effects by the ‘alum-glue solution’ on Xuan paper degradation using a 23 factorial design experiment, Journal of Cultural Heritage, 64 (2023) 42-48. (二区)

[10] Y. Luo, C. Willard, Q. Wei, M. Strlič, An assessment of the material properties of Tibetan manuscripts from the 19th–20th century – Preliminary results, in:  ICOM-CC 19th Triennial Conference, Beijing, 2021. (会议论文)

[11] Y. Luo, I.K. Cigić, Q. Wei, M. Strlič, Characterisation and durability of contemporary unsized Xuan paper, Cellulose, 28 (2021) 1011-1023. (二区)


纸质文物预防性保护熏蒸效果评价项目,陕西省文物保护研究院,2022年9月1日 至 2035年10月1日,主持。

古旧字画的脆性断裂机制研究,中央高校基本科研业务费,2023 至 2025年,主持。

陕西省重点研发计划一般项目,2024年1月1日 至 2025年12月31日,主持。










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