




    2013.09-2017.07: 长安大学,学士

    2017.09-2022.06: 同济大学,工学博士





  1. 有机半导体和有机场效应晶体管

      (Organic semiconductors and organic field-effect transistors)

  2. 有机光电晶体管和有机光突触器件

      (Organic phototransistors and light-stimulated synaptic devices)

  3. 有机晶体管化学传感器

      (Chemical sensors based on organic transistors)


  1. 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,30万元,2024.01-2026.12

  2. 中国博士后基金站前特别资助项目,18万元,2023.09-2025.08

  3. 中国博士后基金面上项目,8万元,2024.09-2026.09

  4. 中央高校基金科研启动项目,10万元,2023.01-2025.12


  1. Organic High-Temperature Synaptic Phototransistors for Energy-Efficient Neuromorphic Computing.  Advanced Materials. 2024, 36, 2310155.

  2. Bio-Inspired Multifunctional Organic Transistors Based on Natural Chlorophyll/Organic Semiconductors. Advanced Materials. 2020, 32, 2001227.

  3. Wafer-scale Photolithographic Fabrication of Organic Synaptic Transistor Arrays. Device. 2024 (In Press).

  4. High Performance Ternary Organic Phototransistors with Photoresponse up to 2600 nm at Room Temperature. Advanced Functional Materials. 2021, 31, 2103787.

  5. Self-Powered Photodetectors Based on CsPbBr3 Quantum dots/Organic Semiconductors/SnO2 Heterojunction for Weak Light Detection. Science China Materials2023, 66, 716-723.

  6. Highly Sensitive 2D Organic Field-effect Transistors for the Detection of Lithium-ion Battery Electrolyte Leakage. Chemical Communications. 2021, 57, 3464-3467.

  7. Low-Power Consumption Light-stimulated Synaptic Transistors Based on Natural Carotene and Organic Semiconductors. Chemical Communications. 2021, 57, 8300-8303.

  8. Monolayer Molecular Crystals for Low-energy Consumption Optical Synaptic Transistors. Nano Research. 2022, 15, 7639-7645.

  9. Detection of Electrolyte Leakage from Lithium-Ion Batteries Using Miniaturized Sensor Based on Functionalized Double-Walled Carbon Nanotubes. Journal of Materials Chemistry C. 2021, 9, 6760-6765.

  10. Recent Advancements in Flexible and Wearable Sensors for Biomedical and Healthcare Applications. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics. 2022, 55, 134001.

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